Shoegaze netlabels

2 min readJan 1, 2021

A work in progress, non exhaustive listing: world tour of netlabels publishing shoegaze. For your listening pleasure!

Sonic Squirrel is a platform and distribution channel for netlabels.
At the moment is quite widely used in the netaudio-scene. the current site delivers approx. 15'000 tracks every day.

Clic the tag “Shoegaze” and go behind the wall of sound…

Aumega project

“German Netlabel !
We present you artists beyond the mainstream, with a penchant for any kind of psychedelic sounds and strong atmospheres!
Psychedelic Rock, Krautrock, Space Rock, Post-Rock, Shoegaze, Lo-Fi, Stoner, Folk, Dream Pop, Experimental,
Kosmische Musik, Ambient, Electronica, Avant-garde. . .
and much more!”

BFW recordings

We love ambient, shoegaze, indie, experimental and electronica.
Ooh… and cakes.


We love warm and melodic music of all kinds, we believe in beautiful things you can see and hear, and we believe in working together, helping eachother and getting good music and good art out to the public.

Lossleader records

Independent DIY record label from Toronto, Canada, focused on #shoegaze, #dreampop and #slowcore music.

Home of Soft Wounds, Slowly and With Hidden Noise (and more!), this online, DIY label is made up of individuals who love melody, ambience, reverb, delay, atmosphere and fuzz. More releases coming soon!

All released songs will be available for streaming on this Soundcloud account:

Memories melt

Brisbane, Australia

A netlabel that features dreamy electronica, post-rock, glitchy ambient, shoegaze and synthwave.

Night Audit Music

Founded in 2010, Night Audit Music from aachen, Germany provides its listeners with innovative DIY-approaches in the fields of shoegaze, alternative rock, and experimental electronica. Lean back, bring yourself in the right listening-position and take a pull from our ever-growing tasty selection.

Un parque records

Alternative | Shoegaze | Dreampop | Synth.

Catalogue: Refugio perdido, Lucas, Nax…


Net label specialising in shoegaze and vaporwave releases.

(Temporary) End

This is just the beginning of your sonic travel thru the wall of sound.
Follow the white rabbit and dive in the hole:




Your daily dose of #Nugaze #Dreampop #Shoegaze #Noisetronica Artist submission: